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Grates + Bars
The Stove Grate is the base on which the fire sits and burns inside the stove firebox. The Stove Fire Grate is designed to sit raised off the bottom of the stove internal firebox in order to allow for a draught to flow through the grate. The Stove Grate allows the ashes to fall/riddle down into the ash pan were they can be removed.
Multi Fuel Stoves generally have a grate; Wood Burning Stoves generally have no grate. Grates types include: [i] Fixed Grates [ACR Stoves], [ii] Riddle Circular Grate [Aga Stoves] or individual [iii] Grate Bars [Aarrow Stoves].
Tip: Clean the firebox and grate area regularly to allow for an easy riddle of the grate or grate bars. If this is not done regularly the grate riddle mechanism will become redundant.
Grates + Bars
- Hunter Telford 20B Inset Riddling Lower Grate Bar - P112033£8.00 £6.67
Lower grate bar for models below –
- Parkray 111
- Sonderskoven Inset 20B
- Avalon 20B Inset
- Chevin 20B Inset
- Telford 20B Inset
- Eco 20B Inset
4 required in a full set of all models
Learn More - Hunter Telford 20B Inset Riddling Upper Grate Bar - P112032£8.00 £6.67
Upper grate bar for models below-
- Parkray 111
- Sonderskoven Inset 20B
- Avalon 20B Inset
- Telford 20B Inset
- Chevin 20B Inset
- Eco 20B Inset
5 bars required in a full set for all models
Learn More - Hunter Telford 8 Inset Riddling Lower Grate Bar - CNS15008£15.00 £12.50
Lower Grate bar for multifuel stove
- Consort 15 takes 9 bars
- Eco 8 Inset takes 3 bars
- Avalon 8 Inset takes 3 bars
- Chevin 8 Inset takes 3 bars
- Telford 8 Inset takes 3 bars
- Sonderskoven 8 Inset takes 3 bars
- Hunter Telford 8 Inset Riddling Upper Grate Bar - CNS15009£15.00 £12.50
Upper Grate bar for multifuel stoves
- Consort 15 takes 8 bars
- Eco Inset 8 takes 4 bars
- Avalon Inset 8 takes 4 bars
- Sonderskoven 8 Inset takes 4 bars
- Chevin 8 Inset takes 4 bars
- Telford 8 Inset takes 4 bars
- Hunter Telford 5 Inset Riddling Upper Grate Bar - CNS04013£10.00 £8.33
Upper Grate bar for multifuel stoves;
- Eco 2 takes 5 bars
- Eco 6 takes 6 bars
- Eco Inset 5 takes 4 bars
- Avalon 4 takes 5 bars
- Avalon 6 takes 6 bars
- Avalon Inset 5 takes 4 bars
- Consort 4 takes 4 bars
- Consort 5 takes 5 bars
- Consort 7 takes 6 bars
- Chevin 5 Inset takes 4 bars
- Telford 5 Inset takes 4 bars
- Snderskoven 5 Inset takes 4 bars
- Skagen takes 6 bars
- Norreskoven MK1 takes 5 bars
- Lovenholm MK1 takes 5 bars but only if the rear support is cast, please see part number CNS06002 if rear support is steel
- Hunter Telford 5 Inset Riddling Lower Grate Bar - CNS04012£10.00 £8.33
Lower Grate bar for multifuel stoves;
- Eco 2 takes 6 bars
- Eco 6 takes 7 bars
- Eco Inset 5 takes 3 bars
- Avalon 4 takes 6 bars
- Avalon 6 takes 7 bars
- Avalon Inset 5 takes 3 bars
- Consort 4 takes 5 bars
- Consort 5 takes 6 bars
- Consort 7 takes 7 bars
- Chevin 5 Inset takes 3 bars
- Telford 5 Inset takes 3 bars
- Sonderskoven 5 Inset takes 3 bars
- Skagen takes 7 bars
- Lovenholm MK1 takes 6 bars
- Norreskoven MK1 takes 6 bars
- Hunter Herald 5 & 7 Inset Riddling Lower Grate Bar - HCR06020£10.00 £8.33
Lower Grate bar for multifuel stoves below
- Herald Inset 5 takes 3 bars
- Hawk 3 and 3D takes 4 bars
- Hawk 4 and 4D takes 5 bars
- Herald 4 takes 6 bars
- Herald 6 takes 7 bars
- CB5 takes 6 bars
- CB7 takes 7 bars
This bar is sold individually, adjust quantity for bars required
Learn More - Hunter Herald 5 & 7 Inset Riddling Lower Grate Bar - HHR08029£13.00 £10.83
Lower Grate bar for multifuel stove
- Herald 8 takes 9 bars
- Herald 7 Inset takes 5 bars
The bars on this stove changed at the beginning of 2007. If you have a MK1 stove and have not changed the bars since then you will need a complete set in the first instance as the old bars will not interchange with the new bars.
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